Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Draining Lake Powell :: Nature Environment Papers

Draining Lake Powell This paper explores the fight between draining Lake Powell and keeping it as is. It discusses the gains and the losses due to environmental, economical, and political issues. The bibliography uses sources from public interest publications, environmental organizations newsletters, and government publications to give many sides of the argument and many issues dealing with the subject matter. REFERENCES AND ANNOTATIONS Chattergee, Sumana. â€Å"Hill gives energy-water added money.† CQ Weekly 24 Oct. 98: 2905. CQ weekly is a paper that focuses on the actions of the US government. They call themselves â€Å"100 reporters and editors, focused solely on Congress, analyze trends, members and upcoming Hill activity.† The paper actually shuts down when the senate and house is at recess. This article spotlights a bill giving money to water and power studies and plan implementation. The article is a good informative letter on the use of this money, and plans that the government has for it. It shows actual thoughts and decisions from US senators and representatives. It shows the use of money to specific programs, as well as totals. It is a good source to find the economic drains and helps along with the government sentiments on the subject. Franklin, Chris â€Å"Let the Colorado River run free† Earth Island Journal Spring 97: 23. The Earth Island Journal comes from the Earth Island Institute, an environmental foundation which is dedicated to the protecting of our worlds environment, plants, and animals. It did seem strange that in the mission statement they mentioned one living thing to save, the sea turtle. They were created in 1982, and have 32 worldwide projects. Their journal, the Earth Island Journal, is said to be a â€Å"tree free† print. What is it printed on I wonder? This article focuses on more than Lake Powell; it talks about the 11 dams which are now on the Colorado, and the ecological changes which are taking place along the whole of the river. It uses examples from the Glen Canyon dam to help the argument, but still does not talk about any positive changes in the Colorado River ecosystem.

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