Wednesday, March 11, 2020

One Flew Over the Cuckoo essays

One Flew Over the Cuckoo essays Milos Formans One Flew Over the Cockoos Nest is based on Keseys best selling novel. Its allegorical theme is set in an authentic mental hospital, a state hospital in Oregon. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest represents a place of resistance exhibited by a lively, eccentric anti-hero against the hospital he is placed in and authority that runs it. Jack Nicholson plays McMurphy, the heroic rebel who lives freely or would rather not live at all. This films message is dramatizing the rebellion against society and the true rights of the American people. Nurse Ratched plays the head of society refusing to conform to someone below her, in the case of the film, McMurphy. The Movie begins with a car's headlights move across the screen as the credits role. A nurse, we later learn to be Nurse Ratched arrives at the locked, barred entry way to a state mental hospital where patients, nurses, and orderlies were going about the distribution of medication. Pills were being dispensed from the Nurses' Station, a large booth with sliding glass panels. An energetic, comedic, and somewhat of a rebellious patient Randel Patrick McMurphy, know as Mac to the patients, is escorted into the ward where he meets some of these unusual people. A silent giant with Native American descent who goes by the nickname Chief is deaf and dumb with had a father blinded after many years of alcoholism. A stuttering, paranoid thirty-year old child trapped in a mans body, Billy Bibbit. This shy individual is deathly afraid of his mother. An always rationalizing, intelligent Dale Harding who is relatively sane but unable to get over his wife's betrayal and adultery. He also gives the audience a feeling that he might be homosexual and is not willing to admit it to himself much less others. An insecure, neurotic Charlie Cheswick who lacking self-confidence. An immature, always looking for attention M...

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