Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Emergency Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Emergency Management - Research Paper Example The mission of the Base emergency management is to direct and deploy assets to mitigate risk. It is clearly indicated from this mission that the Base EOC is only aimed at making sure that risks are adequately mitigated through directing and deploying of available assets. In the process, they use various resources that includes; professional personnel, the various tools used in the emergency such as fire extinguishers and water, transportation materials, active communication channels, and the support from the relevant authorities (Hughes, 2012). The resources mentioned here are crucial for the emergency management process to be effective both in the short run and long run. It is due to this that most managers consider them to be assets in their organization which come to help in the management of the risk. However, the availability of such assets is not always guaranteed for every organization that is in charge of controlling emerging situations in our society. Therefore, it was cruci al that we consider if these valuable resources are available to the Base EOC. Consideration of the availability of these assets can help in determining if the Base emergency management is going to achieve its mission of mitigating risks through deploying of assets in the affected regions.

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