Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International Context of HRM- Individual Project (3000 words) Essay

International Context of HRM- Individual Project (3000 words) - Essay Example 2008). This approach, the authors claim, does not negate Hofstede’s four-dimensional approach to categorize a particular culture (G. Hofstede, The cultural relativity of organizational practices and theories 1983) but actually supplements it. The authors are firmly of the opinion that mere judging a culture through the prism of Hofstede’s matrix would hardly provide a proper perspective for an international manager. A reasonable knowledge of bilateral history is also extremely necessary to successfully overcome deep seated prejudices, biases and negative stereotypes that seem to cloud judgment in a very big way among participating groups. However, Hofstede’s cultural matrix, which is further crystallized into cultural distance (Kogut & Singh, 1988), surely remains one of the most influential guidelines on this issue. Theories of Hofstede and Trompenaars compared and contrasted with reference to other relevant theories Gerard Hofstede’s Value Survey Model c lassifies cultures with reference to four dimensions that are power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and individuality versus collectivism and masculinity versus femininity (Hofstede, The cultural relativity of organizational practices and theories 1983). Trompenaars on the other hand offers an analytical framework based on seven criterions that are: universalistic versus particularistic, neutral versus affective, specific versus diffuse, achievement versus ascription, individualism versus communitarianism and attitudes towards time and the environment (Trompenaars 1994). Out of these seven dimensions, at least two seem to closely replicate Hofstede’s concept of individuality versus collectivism while somewhat resembling the concept of power distance. Trompenaars’ description of how an individual is accorded status in a society has a close link to Hofstede’s power distance index if one assumes that status is accorded more due to nature rather than achievement. H owever, the match is not exact as Hofstede also dwells at length on acceptable power distances within a society, an issue that is not discussed by Trompenaars at all. Further, the neutral versus affective criterion postulated by Trompenaars is more of a behavioural feature rather than a criterion itself. The extent to which an individual would express their feelings is more of a dependent on other aspects of a culture instead of being in aspect by itself. Trompenaars’ universalistic versus particularistic aspect that is reflected in a preference for rules and stipulations rather understanding and trust resembles both uncertainty avoidance criterions to a large extent while at the same time having some similarity with individuality versus collectivism as espoused by Hofstede. However, the specific versus diffuse aspect of Trompenaars has no direct parallel in Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. Trompenaars’ criterion of attitudes towards

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