Monday, September 30, 2019

Dutch and English Essay

The economic and political success of the Dutch and the English between 1570-1766 How the Dutch and English became successful was not only in trading but being merchants and bankers as well. When the other countries were busy fighting each other the Dutch were specializing in trading with them. Out of 20,000 trading vessels 16,000 of them were Dutch ships.† In the early 1400’s two thirds were based in Amsterdam.†The English and Dutch went to war over trading not only once but three times. The first was fought in 1652-54 the second in 1665-67 the third and final was in 1672-74 with the Dutch being the victor at Solo Bay in 1672. The most important thing to the Dutch was there trading, they even came up with something called the Maritime Insurance: with this people didn’t lose out on the profit. When the ships left port and out to sea nobody knew what would happen or if they were going to make it back, till the ship sailed into the harbor once aging. The Dutch even design a ship that was able to carry more goods and less people, it was a la rge bulk- carrying vessel called a flute or fly boat. The Dutch had trading stations and supply depots in many ports to name a few were: Norway, Ceylon, Java, Sumatra, Formosa,† which they took control of by 1641.† They were also the first to dominate the Baltic trade route between Spain, France, and England. The Dutch were able to pay a higher price for your goods and also give you credit, in doing this even if the crops were not ready yet the farmers still made sure they had something to sell to the Dutch. This meant a lower profit margin but the Dutch were able to profit since they had so much trade. There was even a market for Dutch paintings they were the first one to paint every day citizens doing every day things: form standing at the market, celebrations, or just having a good time. The  colors and demotions of the paintings is what made they more life like. Painting also showed how clean the homes and alleys were, of the farms the Dutch weren’t afraid to show everyone what they were like, took pride in showing people how they lived. Map making was another thing the Dutch did well they were able to lay it flat instead of in a cylinder shape. This way they were able to write on it redesign the different countries it was easier to measure how far you came or still needed to go. Education was available to anyone who wanted to learn woman and children, and not just to the rich but to everyone who wanted to learn. Pictures show that the schools were like an out of control daycare. Women were able to help run a business draw up contracts, women were just about equal to the men expect they couldn’t be on things like town counsels or like. Girard P.2 Women were still expected to get married and become a mother that was very important more then running a business. What was interesting was woman were able to go out by themselves and feel safe they didn’t need to worry about being abused, the other towns people looked after each other children they cared what happed to each other. The Dutch people seemed to always be talking about anything and anyone it didn’t matter where they were. In doing this people from other countries were surprised in this. The Dutch had an option on things form there own country two any other that might cross there mind. While other countries were fighting a religious war the Dutch were more laid back each religion had it place. At the some time there were many people moving to the Dutch Netherlands because they were able to study things like being a mathematician, even studying astrology. The Dutch showed the world what middle class family was and they didn’t need to starve or be poor; the farmers were able to sell their livestock or crops at the markets, they made a good living they didn’t dress in rags or dirty. In fact the Dutch were very clean, their homes were neat, even the back allies were keep clean and in order. The Dutch were very curious they wanted to know how the human body looked on the inside they even painted they doing an autopsy of the era. They were all about advance technology they used the ocean to power water wheels they dug canals to the wheels this powered the machinery, even  the wind was used for the windmills. The Dutch currency stayed the same, to help with the trading the first stock market was started in the Amsterdam town square. Not long after that the bank of Amsterdam was founded in 1694. Merchants were able to give credit and finance people. â€Å"Around 1700 the Dutch Netherland was ruled by the merchants mostly in Amsterdam it was the riches in province.† So while the rest of the world was taking from everyone and fighting over what religion was the right one the Dutch were trying to improve themselves trading was were the money was even if they had to spend money to make it they came away richer for it. They use the elements around them the ocean and the wind. There country men were there equals the country worked together. Things like money and finance was agreed on. The Dutch were traders, farmers, fishermen, merchants, bankers, even slave traders they did what they could to succeed in life while everyone else were fighting. Agriculture was a imporant econimc factor in England by the sixteenth century they had improved in better breading in their livestock, better dranges in the lower farmlands. People even came to England to learn how to farm. England imported other crops form different areas like rice from Asia.Trading was economicly favorable not as successful as the Dutch. Some of the English shipments were things like: â€Å"timber, flax, pitchwere the first of the Baltic trade†. England and the Dutch first went to was in 1652-54 the English were the victor. Some of England’s wealth came from the skilled craftsmen. They were invented and came up with new techniques.† Two centuries of gunnery had brought mining and metallurgy to a high pitch.† Girard P.3 In the year 1558 England got a new Queen named Elizabeth, she was the daughter of Henry the Eighth and Ann Boleyn. Before she became Queen her half sister imprisoned her in 1554 then final put her in exile in May 23 1554. When Elizabeth came to the throne due to fate she didn’t have the very men killed that tried to have her killed. Instead she bade them to place her in their hearts and have trust in her in other words. She talked to them as they were her equals, not just her royal subjects. On her coronation she asked nothing more of her subjects then to think of the good of England she stated that the common wealth of England comes first. Instead of fighting  amongst themselves she wanted them to stand together to fight their enemies. Spain and the Dutch were England’s greatest enemies. With the defeated of the Spanish in the Gulf of Mexico by John Hawkins in 1577 he was appointed treasurer of the navy. The English came up with a prototype of a ship in 1569 that was faster and easier to maneuver and had a better chance of hitting their target even in the turbulent whether. By 1588 the English had eighteen of them built. In 1776 saw another sea battle with Spain, during the next few years England would war with Spain three more times. Religion was a major political in England it seems from the start of the world: you had the crusades that were fought in the Holy Lands not only once but at lease three times. Everyone was trying to convert anyone they can to the true church. You had the Roman Catholic like John Knox an ordained priest. John Calvin who after braking from the Roman Catholic Church and becoming a Protestant around 1530, Calvinism and Lutheranism was the out come of that religion. Lutheranism was after a man named Martin Luther who was an Augustinian Monk. Because of him and his belief and thinking that we all didn’t need to follow one religion we today have many different faiths and we are able to choose what we are and what believe freely. Between the years of 1562-1598 there were at lease nine religion wars fought. Even under Elizabeth Catholics died because they were judged to be traders. In 1694 the bank of England was founded, the merchants were able to give credit and finance, there was a rise in the use of paper for currencies and instead of using bullions the cheque was invented. â€Å"Joint stock companies generated another form of negotiable security, their own share.† In the seventeenth century the coffee house were being taken over by the start of the London Stock exchange. Financer started to offer the public life insurance for the first time. The English became merchants and bankers when it was apparent that more money was to be made if they were more involved in the trading. The Economic gain of both the English and the Dutch were closely related, the trading and the banking. They soon realized that they would have to spend money to make it so that is how the Dutch came up with the stock market were everyone was able to have a share in. both countries were into slave trading, the Dutch started their West Indies company solely for the trading of slaves. This was an important economic for both countries. . Girard P.4 Another of England’s success was in the colonizing of the many countries and the discovery of even more. New York was a Dutch colony before England took it over. The other reason the English were successful because they didn’t wait for things to come to them they went out and took it. Whether it was the trading, farming, banking: both England and the Dutch kept trying to improve what they had in life. They still went out to make something of themselves discovering new countries and learning from there mistakes. One of the biggest successes the Dutch had been their trading routes. They didn’t just stop at a few they went on establishing many new shipping ports. Then they even designed ships that were able to carry larger bulk items, with less man power. They were able to give better bargains that made people wasn’t to trade with them. Back then it was important that you didn’t loose your product or that was the end of your money till the next season. The Dutch were so successful with their trading they had control over the Baltic trade routes, Spain, France, and England were just a few ports they traded with. The Dutch even had the environment working for them: they had advanced their technology where the ocean powered their water wheels, which powered the machinery. If the water wheels were inland they dug canals to where they needed the water. The wind was even utilized with the windmills that were spreading up across the country side. How they worked to maintain the shipping trade was everyone who could afford it bought stock in the company and that is how the first stock market was invented. The English on the other hand was a close second in the trading, one of the biggest commodes was the slave trade. The import trade was just an important this brought to England how to improve better breading with the livestock, the different crops like rice. then you had other shipments such as cotton and rubber just to name a few. Not only were the English traders but they became merchants industries were gaining a foot hold like the brewing establishments and the wool merchants. Mechanical and engineering skill clocks were done with mechanical interments. Brewing and textile establishments were also a growing business along side of the cloth and wool merchants that were spreading across the country side When Elizabeth became Queen she tried to improve the political stand point with England instead of fighting each  other she stated that the common wealth of England should come first. She talked to the people as if the were her equals and just her royal subjects. The economical success of both English and the Dutch was learning how to advance their trading what things worked and what didn’t. They applied and design different techniques the farm land and the crops were improving with every century and generation. Religion was always an issue in the political area you had your Roman catholic, or your Protestants. Then when Luther was making an issue of which god and belief was the true one two more faiths came into play and that was the Lutherans and Calvinists because of a man name John Calvin. The bible didn’t come into print till 1455 and that was the Gutenberg Bible. After that t5he people were able to read the words of God for themselves.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hathorne and Parris Essay

In my opinion the main twist of the play was in the court scene where Proctor confesses his affair with Abigail, who doesn’t deny it and doesn’t confess to it either. Elizabeth is brought in as a witness, she could save all the living people accused of witchcraft by telling the court the truth, by removing Abigail’s power. However, her choice to lie or confess her husband’s adultery to the court is not based on her values and her morals. She is unaware of the importance of her decision and she doesn’t know that John has already confessed his crime. Danforth-â€Å"What of Abigail Williams? † Elizabeth-â€Å"I came to think he fancied her. And so one night I lost my wits, I think, and put her out on the highroad. † Danforth-â€Å"Your husband-did he indeed turn from you? † Elizabeth-(in agony): My husband-is a goodly man, sir. † Danforth-â€Å"Then he did not turn from you. † Elizabeth-(starting to glance at Proctor): He- Danforth-(reaches out and holds her face, then): â€Å"Look at me! To your own knowledge, has John Proctor ever committed the crime of lechery! (in a crisis of indecision she cannot speak) Answer my question! Is your husband a lecher! Elizabeth-(faintly): No, sir. This scene is packed with suspense, will Elizabeth tell the truth? Dramatic irony also plays a key part in this scene, we know that John has already confessed to his lechery, but Elizabeth doesn’t. She thinks that she is saving his name, when ironically she is labelling him as a liar. She chooses to lie in the church, ignoring her religious values. She puts her husband and family first, which shows us that she is on the private side of the private life vs. the church conflict which runs throughout the play. The confess or not to confess conflict is also shown here, Elizabeth is one of the many characters forced to make this decision, along with Proctor, the girls, Mary Warren and Abigail. The punctuation in Danforth’s speech intensifies his anger, it creates more tension and puts even more pressure on Elizabeth. Elizabeth’s sentences are mostly short, show her lack of confidence and weakness. This makes us sympathise with Elizabeth even more and involves us with her even more, just in time to intensify the hanging of her husband. ‘The Crucible’ is a play of conflicts, these conflicts make the storyline more exciting by creating suspense and tension for climaxes, create sub-plots which add to the confusion and it allows room for twists, such as when John confesses his adultery but Liz unconsciously says he’s lying. This keeps us glued to the play. The structure itself can be symbolised by a crucible getting hotter and hotter and allowing the impurities to be extracted. It puts tremendous pressure on our main characters causing more conflicts, which in turn causes, excitement, creating yet another climax. Conclusion I thoroughly enjoyed this play as it was exciting and highly emotional so I could get involved in the play and with the characters. I found myself in a position where I was unbelievably biased towards John Proctor without even realising how I’d been persuaded by Miller to side with him. This is cleverly done so you feel you have made your own choice, so you don’t feel manipulated. I found the ending of the play almost unbearable as through the story I had attached myself to John and it was upsetting to see him victimised by the pride of Danforth, Hathorne and Parris. Pride and religion are what decide the fate of the play, the threat of reality crashes down harshly on the dream of a Utopia, confusing readers and characters alike.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Definition of Cheating

DEFINITION of CHEATING Have you ever forgotten to study for a test but still gotten an â€Å"A†? Have you ever been in last place but still ended up winning the game? Have you ever been romantically involved with more than one person at the same time? If you have answered â€Å"yes† to any of the following questions, you might be a cheater! Cheating is a word that is all too familiar to most people in the world. Many try to find justification for their actions but, in reality, there is no just way to cheat.Cheating is a dishonest, immoral, and dishonorable action that puts yourself at an unfair advantage over your peers or opponents, or earns you something that you do not deserve, by breaking a rule, whether it be a moral rule, or actual written rules of an organization. Even though most people would be reluctant to admit it, cheating is a very common occurrence and there are probably more people that have cheated at one point or another, than have not. Whether in sport s, school, or even in a relationship, cheating is cheating and there is never a right way to do it!Competition runs deep in the veins of a lot of people. For many, a win is a win, no matter what the game, or what means were taken. I am sorry to inform you but, those people are part of the definition of a cheater. We would like to think that our sports are always fair and judged objectively, and a pound for pound battle to the end. That is not always the case. Too often, a team is favored by a referee or a match will be thrown for an amount of money or some other â€Å"under the table† bribe.To me, this takes the magic out of the game. When you find out a boxing match was fixed, what is the fun in getting involved and cheering for a side? The point of watching a competition is to watch two evenly matched opponents, or teams, duke it out until the end of the game and one is declared the winner. When you consider things like steroids, it seems so common that it is almost accepte d, and even expected, but it is still an unfair advantage.Over the decades, sports have become more demanding on the athlete and the competition seems more intense than ever before, but I believe the beauty of a sport is the honesty and heart of the game. Why practice if the outcome is fixed? Why spend months in training if a team is going to be paid off? For some competitors, losing is the worst thing and would rather have a victory they did not earn, and actually stole from the opponent by giving themselves an advantage over the other team. But this is cheating, and it is a dishonest, immoral, unjust way of â€Å"coming out on top†.Another very different, but equally repulsive way of cheating is cheating in a relationship. There may not be written guidelines and rules to being in a relationship, but they are still there. Everyone should have a conscience and be able to take another’s feelings into consideration enough to treat them with the respect that any person de serves, especially a person with which you are romantically involved. However, there are those people out there who just can’t say no to a tempting offer.They like to experience â€Å"the best of both worlds†, as Hannah Montana would say, but this is no way to treat a human being. If you make a conscious decision to intentionally violate the moral code of a relationship and have more than one person of romantic interest, even though the rules may be unspoken and it is more of a ‘treat your partner how you would expect or want to be treated’ thing, then that makes you a cheater. (And a despicable person, but that is just my opinion. ) A relationship is a caring bond based on mutual interests and respect.When you sneak around and have a secret fling on the side, sooner or later, the truth will come out and it could cause extreme emotional pain to the person who has been cheated on. It is a selfish and inconsiderate choice, but it is one made intentionally, f or personal gain, and is not as uncommon as we might like it to be. Finally, probably the most common form of cheating, in my opinion, is cheating in school. Getting good grades requires hard work and is a very rewarding thing when it is earned. However, there are those people out there who receive the credit without doing the work.Some students like to take the easy way out and cheat. They either copy answers from a friend, with or without them knowing, or find some other way to get around studying and still make good grades. Again, this is an immoral and selfish choice since the cheater has put no work in but has received credit. Some students cheat because they are just lazy; however, there are several kids out there who will go to great lengths to come up with some very sneaky, subtle way of copying down answers and hiding them.They put more work into cheating than it would take to actually study, which makes no sense except to assume that cheating is something they enjoy. It is like the students want to feel like they have â€Å"one-upped† the teacher, so to say, by getting an â€Å"A† without putting in work, like they have outsmarted them or something. But, in the end, the joke is on the cheater. Teachers have a point for teaching and when the student doesn’t study and learn the subject, it will just be harder on them in the long run.Hard work is exactly what it sounds like, but if you do the work, it always pays off. The alternative never does. Cheating comes in many different forms and for many different reasons; however none of those reasons are justifiable, nor will cheating ever benefit you in any way. Cheating is a form of lying: it involves being dishonest with others, it will always catch up with you, and never will it have a positive effect on you or those around you. Life is unfair as it is, and when you throw cheaters in the mix, what chance does an honest person have these days?

Friday, September 27, 2019

Week 10 Cis 329 technical paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Week 10 Cis 329 technical paper - Essay Example (Northcutt, 2002) Companies must be cautious of security breaches. They should follow best practices, which include having policies in place to take care of any incidents of security breaches. They should able to detect what information has been mishandled and decide who the proper monitoring authorities are and whom they can report to. Affected clients should also be alerted. The main task is to help advance security of the company’s IT infrastructure after a chain of network security breaches. These breaches comprises of someone getting in to the network who is not authorized , and accredited users being requested for their passwords by anonymous person claiming to work in the companies department. The senior systems administrator in this company will work and be able to bring together a team of systems administrators including other members of the IT (information technology) staff. His/her precise duties are going to vary depending on the area that the institution focuses on. The senior systems administrator will maintain the computer systems of the company, and offer hardware support to personal computers and other peripherals for the office workforces. The position requires that they purchase different parts for the computer network. In addition, training and supervising prospective IT employees falls under the senior administrator’s jo b description. (Northcutt, 2002) Information technology system lapses and breaches of data security may disrupt the Company’s capacity to function in the customary course of operation by potentially triggering delays or termination of customer orders, blocking the manufacture of goods, or causing the unpremeditated disclosure of Company information. Management has engaged in steps to address these concerns for its own systems by executing important network security and in-house controls. (Conti, 2007) Information system security is the practice of defending information from

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Obamas election to be the first black president of the USA Essay

Obamas election to be the first black president of the USA - Essay Example There are many opinions some of which the paper takes up relating to essentially two of the political theories. There are many opinions about the methodology of study of political science. Now the question is which study will be best suited to test the empirical or theoretical validity to justify Obama’s selection as the president of U.S. In this respect what study can give us a perfect prediction of Obama’s success in the last general election in U.S.A? Although there is no proven mathematical formula of politics for his success. There is also a debate as to what are the predicted factors that led him to be the president. Political theorists differ about the political prediction in the U.S in recent times over the issue. The paper carefully analyzes the question - Is there any calculative mathematical formulae used for Obama’s success to the chair of the president? The method followed is this paper is that of secondary research encompassing a literature review of four works out of which the works of Ian Shapiro (2002), ‘Problems, Methods and Theories in the Study of Politics’ and that of Peter Guy (2005), ‘Institutional theory in political science’ are the main ones from where two theories have been adopted for the analysis in this paper. Shapiro describes the political scenario of America as a fractured discipline. This theory relates to problem driven and theory driven study of politics. The paper finally focuses on the importance of predictability of the factors leading to a political event adopting the case of Obama’s election. In respect of the research question we can discuss two studies, namely, 1) â€Å"Problems, Methods and Theories in the Study of Politics† by Shapiro (2002): The theory states that the science of American politics is basically a fractured discipline; and 2) â€Å"Institutional theory in political science† by Guy (2005): The theory of institutionalism may be divided into two categories

Discuss the effectiveness of the way Conservation Areas are Coursework

Discuss the effectiveness of the way Conservation Areas are identified, protected and managed in the context of the aim to protect and enhance character and appearance - Coursework Example Identifying a conservation area takes a number of ways. One of the ways involves looking into historic characterization of an area in relation to development threats. The history outlays the initial plan that explains the special characteristics that could have been attached to the area (Mokany, et. al., 2014, p. 1) The other way is inviting the residents in identifying the characteristic of the area, that is most important to them, because of the historical association only understood by them (English Heritage, 2012, p.4). The evidence gathered on such characterization advice the local authority to articulate the special interest and support such an area has before appraising the place to a conservation area. Appraisal thus expresses the exact element that makes the area have a special quality to be conserved. Appraising an area before designating for conservation is used as a key to understanding the area’s characteristics that are necessary for planning and decision making. The authorities involved, through the appraisal process, gets to analyze the usable parts of the area to be conserved as well as evaluate the necessary beneficial changes that can be adopted (Buchanan, Donald, Butchart, 2011, p. 1). The authorities then develop a management plan on how the area can be restrained from development changes capable of eroding the characteristics under conservation (Forest Stewardship Council, 2008, p.1). Conservation area designation is based on a number of historical and architectural interests. Part of the interests focus on sections in an area where there is a higher number of heritage assets (Cowan, 2004, p.7). The assets could be nationally or community designated. Historic associations may include historical architectural styles or building materials still visible in the modern planning patterns. The value attached to any of the traits lead to conservation either by

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Ring of Gyges Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Ring of Gyges - Assignment Example His argument presents a counter-attack to Glaucon’s philosophy purporting that if two identical rings are presented to a just and unjust man, they would both act unjustly. Therefore, proceeds to argue that those who incline their actions to just only do so under compulsion. He also says that one may decline using the ring to perform misdeeds. Meaning that although such a person would receive praises on her face but on the other side she would be regarded a great fool who is unable to utilize the power in her possession. Socrates states that one does not derive justice from the social construct. That’s why his argument tallies that the man who abused the power contained in the ring enslaved himself to his selfish appetites. But hold that the man who chooses not to use the ring remains rationally in total control of himself and thus he is very happy. Therefore, Socrates suggests that the man who uses the ring is always in a constant war with himself ( Copp, 2007).   Socrates is in a strong belief that the soul consists of three parts. These parts include; rational, appetitive and Spirited. He continues to argue that an appetite for something exists like hunger and thirst. He says that we always have some knowledge concerning the demands that are driving us to satisfy the appetite. Therefore, he poses to think, supposing something holds the thirsty person from drinking, what could it be termed to be? This analogy is used to describe the three parts of the soul. The rational part is that which is concerned with the calculation thus goes ahead to examine the existing appetites in relation to the expected consequences. He suggests that the part linked to hunger, lusts, thirsts and which is tickled by all forms of appetites is the irrational appetitive part.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

PDLD 380 Workplace Learning Paper Assignment 2 - 2000 words materials Essay

PDLD 380 Workplace Learning Paper Assignment 2 - 2000 words materials provided - Essay Example m my own perspectives as a Training Coordinator, comparing them with the workplace learning particularly described in the several readings prescribed for this assignment. Most of the workplace learning I will be describing will be a depiction of the new recruits learning experience although I have already emphasise that my work as a Training Coordinator does not preclude my learning and acquiring new skills as recruits’ input of the training process is an integral part of the four-week training. The workplace learning described in the readings of Jennifer Bowerman and Gordon Collins in The Coaching Network: A Program for Individual and Organizational Development, Daryl Dymock in Blind Date: A Case Study of Mentoring as Workplace Learning, and Merriam and Caffarella in Transformational Learning will be tackled one by one applying and comparing each one as they become relevant to the discussion of the actual workplace learning taking place at the Travelex Foreign Exchange traini ng room. In the last assignment, I gave brief descriptions of the physical and social environments of my job as well as enumerated the different aspects of my job as a Training Coordinator for Travelex Foreign Exchange. As therein stated my job consists of three functions: as inductor of new recruits into the company; as workplace trainer of these recruits to make them ready for their new jobs, and; as material and resources planner for the workplace training. The training of the new recruits itself takes place in a classroom-type of environment where there are tables and chairs for them to work and sit on and a white board in front of them during the duration of the four-week training until which they are deemed sufficiently prepared and oriented for their jobs. At the end of the four-week period, a new set of recruits stay on the sideline ready to be trained for the next four-weeks in the same induction, orientation and training processes. In addition, every training I conduct gives me an

Monday, September 23, 2019

Strategic Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategic Accounting - Assignment Example Quality costing should therefore be understood as the cost of not producing a product, which bears the above components that gauge a quality product or service (Thompson, 2010). The aspect of quality cost arises from the third era of quality where it emerges as a tool of quality assurance with its main goal being to avoid problems, by giving room to coordination of activities. Quality control as a technique of management accounting has been improved over time through the contribution of various scholars, who added in more knowledge and insight to quality control. Crosby initiated the aspect of quality testing through inspection, quality management, quality assurance and improvement (Kilger, 2002). Deming on the other hand shared his contribution by introducing the aspect of companywide quality control, which was later revised by Juran through his total quality management technique (Nokes, 2000). Quality costs are mainly understood in four major groupings which are commonly referred t o as the four types of quality costs. Prevention costs is a type of quality control and is considered as generally the most effective way to manage quality costs and avoid defects of products and services (Sadler, 2003). Prevention costs hold on a projection that it is better to prevent a defect from occurring at the first place than to correct it when it has already occurred, as it tends to be more expensive. Prevention costs make use of control activities such as statistical process control, quality engineering and training, which reduce defects. Prevention cost as a type of quality control also takes in activities relating to quality control, which consists of people who meet to discuss and solve quality problems. Statistical quality control as an activity of quality control is used to detect whether a specific product or service is in or out of quality (Samset, 2010). Prevention costs therefore take in the perspective of all activities that are designed to prevent the initial po or quality of products and services (Commission for local governance, 2000). Appraisal costs are also referred to as inspection costs and are incurred by an organization with the aim of identifying defective products in the production process, to make sure that defective products are not shipped to customers. Appraisal costs have the purpose of inspecting the production process and ensuring defective products are identified and eliminated. Many organizations however look at appraisal costs as expensive and ineffective to customers (Cadez, 2008). Other than employing appraisal costs, many companies encourage customers to be increasingly responsible for their own quality control through designing products that allow simple manufacturing, which gives a chance for quality to be built into the products (Morden, 2012). Internal failure costs on the other hand refer to cots incurred internally when a particular product fails to conform to design specifications that had been identified init ially. Internal failure

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Internet Movie Database Essay Example for Free

The Internet Movie Database Essay As Phileas took his seat, he wondered what the movie he had heard so much about would be like. With the busy life he led working at the store all day and night, he barely ever got time to go to the movies. But, after a long and winding day, he looked for some respite in this movie called ‘The Pursuit of happyness’. The curtain was raised, as the story of a young man named Chris Gardner, living in the midst of the depression of the 1980’s in capitalism-led San Francisco. Phileas saw Chris unfolding the story of his life before him- a life full of struggle tears and despair. ‘That feels familiar,’ Phileas wryly smiled. Chris was not able to get a good education, and amidst the economic crisis and trauma, his wife leaves him with the custody of his young boy Christopher. ‘Dont ever let somebody tell you You cant do something. Not even me. All right? ‘ Chris tells his son, and Phileas is reminded of his own son Joshua, and his heart aches with the earnestness with which he wants his son to have a better life than his own. Around him, Phileas sees people in the audience, and there is a certain melancholy in the air. Smiles, tears and glistening eyes-the atmosphere was mixture of emotions as everyone seemed to feel the sobriety. Phileas breathes heavily as he sees Chris struggle to get a place to sleep every night. Chris does not lose hope, however and applies for an unsalaried internship at Dean Witter. If he proves himself, his dream of becoming a stockbroker might come true, and he might be able to give his son life he himself never had. Phileas could see memory of images flashing before his mind, as he pictured himself working at the store†¦. at home, with his wife and son†¦there is an eerie silence†¦suddenly, someone screams†¦tears†¦rage†¦despair†¦. Phileas can’t take it anymore†¦he wants to escape†¦please, God†¦ ‘The important thing about that freedom train, is its got to climb mountains. We ALL have to climb mountains, you know. Mountains that go way up high, and mountains that go deep and low. Yes, we know what those mountains are here at Glide. We sing about them. ’, Phileas heard a character speak, and he is brought back from his reverie. A smile played around his wrinkled lips as he admires Chris’ wit and humor despite the troublesome times he is facing. Phileas could not help feeling guilty at how he treated his family. How often he would lay hands on them! Oh†¦how much he regretted that†¦but never changed his ways†¦ Phileas leaned over to his left, as he saw Chris on the big screen before him. Here was a man full of belief and optimism. Here was a man who was determined to leave his yesterday behind and work for a better tomorrow. This was the story of one man’s struggle to the top. One could not help but admire the beauty and simplicity of it all-the entire take was effortless, and the expression was truly aesthetic and beautiful. Chris is asked whether he would like to work at Dean Witter. At last! Victory! Phileas felt the warm tears rolling down his cheeks. The emotion is overwhelming. This one moment shall change Chris Gardener’s life, (and, he exclaimed, the movie is based on a true story! ). Phileas sat on his chair, spellbound by the magic and power of the human will. The audience applauded as curtains fell. Suddenly, he felt the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders. He felt he was not alone after all. As Phileas walked out of the cinema, he put on his cap. ‘That was a most wonderful experience! ’ he thought to himself. As he waked past the street lamps, the misery he thought the world was painted with seemed to have faded away. Maybe there was hope for him after all†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it’, in Chris’ words. Phileas’ house appeared from behind the trees. He had been so engrossed in his thoughts that he had not realized he had reached home already! Phileas rang the doorbell. The door opened with a creak, and his wife and son stood before him, astonished to see the tears forming in his eyes. In a sudden, inexplicable burst of emotion, Phileas hugged both of them. It was a feeling of love, warmth and hope they had not felt in a long, long time. Phileas could finally be at peace with himself. References: ‘The Pursuit of happyness (2006) Memorable quotes ‘, The Internet Movie Database, http://www. imdb. com/title/tt0454921/quotes

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Imagery Of Madame Bovary

Imagery Of Madame Bovary In many forms of literature, authors use symbols as a representation of interpretive meaning. In Gustave Flauberts novel, Madame Bovary (1856), one of the major achievements is the excellent use of symbolism. Many of the moral values throughout the novel lie within the use of symbols, which are the elements in the narrative that communicate the rich values over and above their literal meanings (Dauner 1). The apparent purpose of the author is to paint pictures with words, bringing scenes and settings alive with the astonishing use of descriptions. Flauberts descriptions are often built up like pictures, from left to right of background to foreground, occasionally even moving through the senses, from sound and smell to touch and sight (Levi 235). Through the use of symbolism, this novel appeals to the senses of idealists. Flaubert uses the garden as a symbol throughout his work that affects the main character, Emma, and implies certain connotations other than its literal meaning. In P art I of the novel, this symbol is presented repeatedly with rich association. Throughout Part I, the Tostes section of Emmas life, the garden appears four different times. It first appears after Emma marries Charles and has seats made around the sundial in the garden. This not only represents her initiative, but also her early stages of romanticism. Later, after she has realized the difference between her vision of Romance from the novels in which she has read, and the marriage to a man that is satisfied with his middle-class lifestyle and has no desire to ascend into higher social class, she begins to go to the garden by moonlight and tries to make herself fall in love with Charles, while singing passionate poems and singing melancholy. The garden now functions as a character symbol, representing Emmas ambition and her bourgeois romanticism. The garden also plays a major role at Vaubyessard. During the ball, Emma looks out the window which opens to the garden, where she then sees peasants peering in from the garden, their faces pressed against the glass (Flaubert 1067). From the garden, her memory of the past seems to be as remote to her present as her actual present is remote for this single night of wealth and society. According to Clive James, this is the scene that awakes Emmas dangerous taste for the high life (3). For this night, Flaubert explains to the reader, [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] had opened a breach in her life, like one of those great crevasses that a storm can tear across the face of a mountain in the course of a single night (1070). Now, the garden creates a type reference in time and character, embracing past, present, and future. Emma is not as she was nor how she will be. The final appearance in Tostes is represented as a pure mood mirror (Dauner 2). There was no sounds of birds, everything seemed to be sleeping- the espaliered trees under their straw, the vi ne like a great sick snake under the wall coping, where she could see many legged wood lice crawling as she came near (Flaubert 1074). Here, the garden is used as an objective to Emmas self-pitying of her marriage. Later in the novel, the garden also plays an important role in the fulfillment of Emmas destiny. Later, the garden appears at least seven times in the fulfillment of Emmas destiny. Because of Emmas taste for a higher lifestyle, she develops bad health that persuades Charles to move from Tostes to Yonville, where she meets Leon, the young clerk at the notarys. They soon become attracted to each other through their romantic interests. One day, Leon accompanies Emma on a walk to see her infant, who is with the wet nurse. On their way back to Yonville, Emma becomes tired and takes Leons arm. Next, they pass by The garden walls, their copings bristling with broken bits of bottles, were as warm as the glass of a greenhouse. Wallflowers had taken root between the bricks; and as she passed, the edge of Madame Bovarys open parasol crumbled some of their faded flowers into yellow dust; or an overhanging branch of honeysuckle or clematis would catch in the fringe and cling for a moment to the silk (Flaubert 1093). The two then spoke for a brief moment, but Their eyes were full of more mean ingful talk; and as they made themselves utter banalties they sensed the same languor invading them both (Flaubert 1093). Through the objective details of the author and with Emmas apparent purposeful violation of the wallflowers with her sunshade, Flaubert may have been employing an underlying sexual tone that relates to both the concept of the garden and the tension of the walk, which may also be foreshadowing Emmas affair with Leon. Emma herself is a kind of wallflower-emotionally untouched (James 5). Soon after Leon leaves for Rouen, Emmas thought revives her happiness of the [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] afternoons by themselves in the garden! He had read aloud to her, bareheaded on a rustic bench, the cool wind from the meadows ruffling the pages of his book and the nasturtiums on the arborà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. And now he was gone, the one bright spot in her life, her one possible hope of happiness! (Flaubert 1110). The garden now acts as the physical force that creates Emmas emotion. Later, w hen Leon comes back from Rouen to visit her, it is behind the garden that she meets him, as she had previously done with Rudolphe. The garden continues to play an important part of Emmas life up until the point of her death. Emma soon becomes disgusted with the garden because of the memory in which it evokes. She then develops a type of sickness for the garden and keeps her blinds in the house down on that particular side so that she will not have to see it. At this point, the garden functions simply as a symbol of memory and mood. Finally, after Emmas death, it is in the garden that the reader finds Charles, [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] with his head leaning back against the wall, his eyes closed, his mouth open; and there was a long lock of black hair in his hands (Flaubert 1249). The author uses the garden in this instance as a symbol of tragic irony. According to James Panero, Symbolism has always been stronger in its literary rather than graphic forms (3). Through examining the work of Flaubert, and his superb use of symbols and vivid descriptions, one could conclude this assumption to be true. Flaubert revolutionized fiction with his use of point of view to provide multiple images to provoke symbolic meanings (Smothers 3). Flaubert uses the garden as a poetic symbol in a variety of ways throughout his novel. It moves from the lighter tone of a character to assuming darker qualities that foreshadow Emmas increasing involvements. The garden also carries a sexual connotation and often becomes a thematic symbol. It would not be a far stretch to say that the garden in this novel has become a conventional symbol, meaning that people have to come to accept it as standing for something other than its literal meaning (Barnet 212).

Friday, September 20, 2019

Non-Violent Nationalism and Fundamental Change :: essays research papers fc

Nationalism as a concept is defined by the formation of a distinct identity for a certain population in terms of their religion, ethnicity or class differences. This term was used to describe the rise of movements along these distinct lines. Since then the connotations of the word may have changed over time but its essential meaning has remained unchanged. The term in essence refers to two varying sentiments. Broadly speaking, the first of these is a sense of identification with a certain nation based on ethnic, cultural or religious bounds. The second is a sentiment of loyalty to the nation as defined by these ethnic, cultural and religious bound. While the first only serves as a unifying factor in most cases, the second also serves as a rallying call for mass political mobilization. This has been obvious especially in the years immediately after the Second World War during the time of the disintegration of Colonial power structures and the subsequent creation of a bipolar world. The concept of the non-violent movement was introduced to these anti-colonial movements early enough. Gandhi, the tiny, old man of Indian politics came up with the idea of a non-violent independence struggle. This was a struggle which initially rooted itself in a secular context but gradually became known as essentially being a Hindu Nationalist movement. Gandhi ¡Ã‚ ¦s initial thrust had been towards unifying Indian natives under this banner of non-violence in order to garner support for an ouster of the British from India and an overhaul of the Indian government structure. What this meant was that Gandhi was looking for a  ¡Ã‚ ¥fundamental change ¡Ã‚ ¦ in the structure and hierarchies of the Indian state. This is highlighted in his writings:  ¡Ã‚ §The state after withdrawal (of the Colonizers) will depend largely upon the manner of it. If, as you assume, they (the Colonizers) retire, it seems to me we shall still keep their constitution and shall carry on the government. ¡Ã‚ ¨ Gandhi was then visibly looking for a structural uprooting of the British / Colonial system and aimed to replace it with one more contributory to the state and, hence, less extractory in nature. This for him was the fundamental change in the system that was required for a successful transformation from a colonized to an independent state. Gandhi ¡Ã‚ ¦s method of achieving this change was through the practice of nonviolent passive resistance.  ¡Ã‚ §Passive resistance is a method of securing rights by the personal suffering; it is the reverse of resistance by arms. Non-Violent Nationalism and Fundamental Change :: essays research papers fc Nationalism as a concept is defined by the formation of a distinct identity for a certain population in terms of their religion, ethnicity or class differences. This term was used to describe the rise of movements along these distinct lines. Since then the connotations of the word may have changed over time but its essential meaning has remained unchanged. The term in essence refers to two varying sentiments. Broadly speaking, the first of these is a sense of identification with a certain nation based on ethnic, cultural or religious bounds. The second is a sentiment of loyalty to the nation as defined by these ethnic, cultural and religious bound. While the first only serves as a unifying factor in most cases, the second also serves as a rallying call for mass political mobilization. This has been obvious especially in the years immediately after the Second World War during the time of the disintegration of Colonial power structures and the subsequent creation of a bipolar world. The concept of the non-violent movement was introduced to these anti-colonial movements early enough. Gandhi, the tiny, old man of Indian politics came up with the idea of a non-violent independence struggle. This was a struggle which initially rooted itself in a secular context but gradually became known as essentially being a Hindu Nationalist movement. Gandhi ¡Ã‚ ¦s initial thrust had been towards unifying Indian natives under this banner of non-violence in order to garner support for an ouster of the British from India and an overhaul of the Indian government structure. What this meant was that Gandhi was looking for a  ¡Ã‚ ¥fundamental change ¡Ã‚ ¦ in the structure and hierarchies of the Indian state. This is highlighted in his writings:  ¡Ã‚ §The state after withdrawal (of the Colonizers) will depend largely upon the manner of it. If, as you assume, they (the Colonizers) retire, it seems to me we shall still keep their constitution and shall carry on the government. ¡Ã‚ ¨ Gandhi was then visibly looking for a structural uprooting of the British / Colonial system and aimed to replace it with one more contributory to the state and, hence, less extractory in nature. This for him was the fundamental change in the system that was required for a successful transformation from a colonized to an independent state. Gandhi ¡Ã‚ ¦s method of achieving this change was through the practice of nonviolent passive resistance.  ¡Ã‚ §Passive resistance is a method of securing rights by the personal suffering; it is the reverse of resistance by arms.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Lonliness and Friendship in Of Mice And Men Essay -- essays research p

Lonliness and Friendship in 'Of Mice And Men'   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In terms of emotional stability, there is one thing in life that is really needed, and that is friends. Without friends, people would suffer from lonliness and solitude. Lonliness leads to low self-esteem and deprivation. In the novel, Of Mice And Men, by John Steinbeck, the two main themes are friendship and lonliness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are two main characters, George and Lennie. Lennie is a massive man with incredible strength, but has a childs mind. George is a fairly sized man who is not incredibly strong, but has good common sense. What one man lacks, the other man makes up for. It is a perfect example of how opposites attract. They are a perfect match, and that is why they have a truly great friendship.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although, no matter how much he tries, George cannot make up for the huge gap in Lennie's mind. Lennie is so childish it is hard to believe; for example when he sees things, he wants to touch and grab them. Throughout the book, the stress of Lennie's retardation begins to weigh down on George. Because of Lennie, they are drifters. Wherever they go, Lennie gets them into trouble. At their previous location in a town called Weed, Lennie grabbed a little girls dress to feel it and soon startled the girl with his overwhelming strength. So once again George had to rescue Lennie, and they had to move on. George knew he ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Duchess of Malfi - Character Summary :: English Literature

The Duchess of Malfi - Character Summary "The birds that live i' th' field On the wild benefit of nature, live Happier than we; for they may choose their mates, And carol their sweet pleasures to the spring." The Duchess of Malfi (3.5.18-21) The Duchess of Malfi: Character Summary A widow, the duchess rules her duchy alone. Lonely and in love, she secretly marries her steward Antonio. This is done in a hand-fast marriage witnessed by Cariola, the Duchess' hand-maiden. By choosing to marry Antonio in secret, the Duchess neglects her duty to her people. When she begins getting pregnant and giving birth, her people denounce her as a strumpet. They then lose their respect for their leader. The pilgrims in Act 4 (when the Duchess and her family are in Loreto at the religous shrine) are the only disinterested parties in the play. They are also the only disinterested commoners. back to top. "That's the greatest torture souls feel in hell, In hell: that they must live, and cannot die." The Duchess of Malfi (4.1.70-71) Women as Rulers Women rulers and the circumstances they deal with are very much unlike men rulers and their situations. The women must worry about society's propensities, their own feelings, and the welfare of their people. It is much more difficult to be a woman in power than to be a man in power. The choices women rulers make cannot be only for themselves, and one wrong decision can spell disaster. Interested in women's courtly power and influence? "A count! He's a mere stick of sugar-candy, You may look quite through him. When I choose A husband, I will marry for your honor." The Duchess of Malfi (3.1.43-45) The Real-life Duchess of Malfi: Queen Elizabeth Queen Elizabeth I ruled over England alone. She never married, choosing to claim instead that she was married to her country. By doing this, Elizabeth retained her authority and she was not forgotten behind the name of a man. In spite of this, though, or perhaps because of it, she endeared herself to her people. The Duchess, choosing love, chooses her downfall. The Queen Elizabeth, choosing duty (her throne), chooses the path to immortality. "I am acquainted with sad misery, As the tanned galley-slave is with his oar. Necessity makes me suffer constantly, And custom makes it easy." The Duchess of Malfi (4.2.27-30) The Duchess and Ferdinand Incest, as a motive, was used extensively in various Elizabethan /Jacobean plays including Hamlet, A King & No King, and 'Tis Pity She's a Whore. Incest is merely implied in The Duchess of Malfi because the queer nature of the play does not allow it to become an absolute.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Research and Analyze a Real Life Conflict Essay

The problems arising from today’s workforce diversity are caused not by the changing composition of the work force itself but by the inability of work organizations to truly integrate and use a heterogeneous work force at all levels of the organization (Ibarra, 2003). Granted, some corporations are including diversity goals in their strategic planning and are changing organizationwide policies, but even those changes are focused mainly on internal processes of the organization. This article’s main argument is that organizations need to expand their notion of diversity to include not only the organization itself, but also the larger systems that constitute its environment. Organizational policies and actions that are inclusive can benefit all system levels from the individual worker through the work organization to the wider community. The concept of â€Å"the inclusive workplace,† introduced here, refers to a work organization that is not only accepting and using the diversity of its own work force, but also is active in the community, participates in state and federal programs to include working poor people, and collaborates across cultural and national boundaries with a focus on global mutual interests. The inclusive workplace is defined as one that values and uses individual and intergroup differences within its work force cooperates with and contributes to its surrounding community alleviates the needs of disadvantaged groups in its wider environment collaborates with individuals, groups, and organizations across national and cultural boundaries. The social work profession can play a key role in the conceptualization and implementation of such a model for the workplace. The value system reflected in this model is congruent with basic social work principles, and the skills needed to implement programs to increase workplace inclusion are consistent with professional social work skills and competences. The issue of diversity and inclusion takes on special urgency in human services organizations. Women and racial and ethnic minority groups are disproportionately represented among the clients of human services agencies as well as in their staff (Henderson, 2004). The extent to which workers from diverse backgrounds feel included in the organization may have a direct bearing on their job satisfaction and commitment and influences the quality of services provided as well as the workers’ own health, mental health, and social functioning. This article presents a conceptual framework relevant to social work practice on the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. The question addressed by this article is not whether diversity is good for the organization, but how to manage it effectively. Viewed from an ecosystems perspective, the notion of organizational inclusion–exclusion is used as a focal point to examine two models–value-based and practice-based–for understanding and managing workplace diversity. The recent emphasis on the diversity of the work force in human resource management is based on historical developments. Civil rights legislation from the 1960s on had outlawed discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, pregnancy, national origin, age, and disability, excluding these factors from employment decisions (the Civil Rights Act of 1964 [P.L. 88-352], Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 [P.L. 95-555], Age Discrimination Act of 1978, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 [P.L. 101-336], Equal Pay Act of 1963 [P.L. 88-38], and Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 [P.L. 93-508]). Triggered by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s plea that people should be judged by their character, not by the color of their skin, the intent of these laws was to provide equal opportunity to all. In 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Executive Order 11246 requiring â€Å"employers doing business with the federal government to develop affirmative action plans to assure equal employment opportunities in their employment practices.† The main rational for affirmative action programs was to compensate for past discrimination and to correct current discrimination. However, with the recent backlash against affirmative action programs (for example, California Governor Wilson’s [R] initiatives in roiling back affirmative action programs), companies may no longer be proactive in recruiting and retaining women and ethnic minority workers, unless they realize that such policies work to their benefit. Forecasts about the future predict an aging work force in which increasing numbers of women and members of racial and ethnic minority groups will participate. By 2020 white non-Hispanic people will represent 67 percent of the work force (down from the current 76 percent), Hispanic presence will be 14 percent (up from its current 9 percent), Asians will represent 6 percent (up from today’s 4 percent), and African Americans’ share of the work force will remain 11 percent (Ibarra, 2003). These work force demographic changes will mirror population demographic trends and will vary by region and state. The western states are rapidly becoming more diverse as Hispanic and Asian populations grow. The human services work force also is becoming more diverse with particularly high representation for women at more than 65 percent. These changes suggest not onl y a more diverse workplace, but also a more varied client pool in human services organizations, and they underscore the need for social work to develop practice paradigms for more inclusive work environments. The nature of opportunities for female, ethnic minority, and older workers has implications for the lives of these workers and their families, for organizational effectiveness, and for society as a whole. As a result of civil rights legislation, affirmative action programs, and workplace policies to promote diversity, acquiring a â€Å"boarding pass† to corporate America has become less of a problem for women and ethnic minority workers than being included in the corporate culture and power structure (Ibarra, 2003). Exclusion from organizational information and decision-making networks has been identified as one of the most significant problems facing today’s diverse work force. The inclusion–exclusion experience is one that has deep social–psychological roots for human beings, given their dependence on others for the provision of even the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing (Henderson, 2004). Mor-Barak and Cherin (1998) conceptualized inclusion–exclusion as a continuum of the degree to which individu als feel a part of critical organizational processes such as access to information, connectedness to coworkers, and ability to participate in and influence the decision-making process. Research on social demography in the workplace indicates that women and members of racial and ethnic minority groups commonly find themselves excluded from networks of information and opportunity. Similar trends are evident in human services organizations where women and ethnic minority groups, particularly African American women, are more likely than other employees to occupy the lowest-ranking positions. These experiences, in turn, are linked to limited job opportunities, delays in career advancement, and higher rates of turnover (Giagalone & Beard, 2004). Clearly in democratic countries, where equal opportunity is an important national value, promoting fairness and economic opportunities to underachieving members of society is the right and ethical thing to do. Exclusionary organizational practices are destructive for individuals who suffer from their economic, emotional, and social consequences as well as for organizations. Work organizations, therefore, need to create and sustain a culture that accepts individual differences and encourages differential contributions to the work environment. In other words, they need to strive to become inclusive organizations. The welfare-to-work reform efforts can be conceptualized as an opportunity to make the work place more inclusive with respect to socioeconomic status. Welfare reform, enacted by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193), ended 60 years of public assistance programs in which the sole criteria for continued aid was dependency, poverty, age, or disability. A key component of the act is the termination of welfare benefits after a maximum of 60 months, with the expectation that benefit recipients will find jobs by that time. Because of welfare reform, more and more welfare recipients will enter the labor force. Traditionally, employers have had limited involvement or interest in welfare reform and have not viewed working poor people as an element in organizational life worth substantial investment. An inclusive workplace sponsors and supports projects to help former welfare recipients overcome barriers to employment. The programs focus on overcoming barriers to employment faced by mothers with young children, who make up the majority of AFDC recipients and poor families (Giagalone & Beard, 2004), and assists former welfare recipients with child care, transportation, housing, and health care expenses, which are the main barriers to employment faced by this group (Ibarra, 2003). The programs also provide on-the-job training to allow welfare recipients to improve their job skills and increase their wages and benefits. The economic benefits include improved wages for this segment of the population that increases the pool of consumers with discretionary income. Also, better treatment of low-wage employees who are often frontline workers improves the company’s customer relationships. In addition, value-based organizational practices are often attractive to customers. Companies gain a more loyal work force (given that it is treated well) that is committed to the organization and has lower turnover rates as a result (Giagalone & Beard, 2004). With the expanding economy and the current and anticipated labor shortages, employers may need to expand their employee pools by taping into the potential resource of former welfare recipients. A strong corporate commitment to hiring and retaining former welfare recipients that includes help with employment barriers can facilitate the difficult transition and increase the chances of long-term employment. In addition, opening up advancement opportunities for this population may increase their chances of obtaining higher-paying jobs with better benefits that will release them from the vicious cycle of low-paying jobs that do not leave much income above the job-related expenses such as child care and transportation. The main obstacle here is a limited corporate vision. Companies often focus only on the immediate needs and objectives of the company rather than considering the bigger picture that includes moral and ethical values as well as labor-force trends and the larger organizational environment. The other obstacles are stereotypes held by management and workers against welfare recipients and against people of color. The latter is based on a common misconception that the majority of welfare recipients are people of color when, in fact, the majority are white (Giagalone & Beard, 2004). Social workers can help organizations overcome the â€Å"one-size-fits-all† approach that has been wide spread in the area of diversity training. The risk of this approach is that although these interventions may be effective in sensitizing workers to people who are different from themselves, they do not deal with organizational structures and policies that may foster wrong treatment of people from diverse backgrounds. In the context of human services organizations, the need to understand exclusionary practices is particularly important in light of the disproportional representation of women and ethnic minority individuals in their staff (Ibarra, 2003). With their knowledge of human behavior, discrimination, empowerment, and group dynamics, social workers can initiate focused interventions such as diversity training, work groups with women and ethnic minority constituencies, and mentorship programs to facilitate the inclusion of women and ethnic minority workers in management and supervis ory positions. Using an ecosystems approach, the model outlines four systems levels, from the micro to the macro, that are relevant to understanding and implementing the model. Although this approach is well embedded in social work values and principles, one must remember that the workplace is a host environment that is often not open to social work intervention. To propose such innovative programs to businesses, social workers need to be entrepreneurial in their approach and be able to translate their ideas into â€Å"business language.† For this reason, this article provides research-based data that demonstrates the benefits of inclusive organizational policies for the company’s economic well-being. The use of such data is essential when approaching management with an innovative idea for a program to help, for example, former welfa re recipients, or for a community-based shelter for the homeless. References Giagalone, R. A., & Beard, J. W. (2004). Impression management, diversity, and international management. American Behavioral Scientist, 37. Henderson, G. (2004). Cultural diversity in the workplace. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Ibarra, H. (2003). Personal networks of women and minorities in management: A conceptual framework. Academy of Management Review, 18.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual Theory

Going back to the previous stages of Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual Theory of Development I have been, I think I have been fixated at my Latency Stage during my elementary years because I was not that free to explore things on my own. I do not mix up with my other grade school friends back then that much. I didn’t even play basketball with my nearby neighbors that’s why until now, I do not know how to play basketball. I and my siblings used to stay at home all day, all night even our parents were not around. We are not allowed to go out of the neighborhood just to roam around and talk around. Maybe this is the reason why I do not know how to socialize totally with other people, keeps me of not being hooked up with some of naughty things and vices. And gets me out of danger and trouble in the way. I think I am a well-rounded person already, regardless of being my unsociable behavior wherein I can’t and I don’t easily get involved nor caught up with the jests of my friend and when it’s my turn, they always find me corny and some sort of out-of-the-world guy. But then, I still thank my parents for raising me up like this. In such a way that it’s only me and my family can understand each other. It’s quite selfish though, but I like it that way.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program Essay

This is the biggest ionospheric heater on the planet. Being able to heat a one thousand square kilometer area of the ionosphere all the way to fifty thousand degrees. This heater is also a phased array. This means that it is capable to steer and when the waves and be physically aimed to a selected target area. What scientists have found out is that if you send radio frequency energy up and focusing it, it then causes a heating effect. This event then literally lifts the ionosphere within a 30-mile diameter area and furthermore changing pressure systems that were at homeostasis. The act of moving is an amazing event in the fact that humans can harness this power, this is a very dangerous reality we live in. One of the worst set backs is that the scientists cannot model the system in a good way. The long term consequences of this atmospheric heating are not known this fare but this is still used which can be doing terrible things to this environment. Changing weather in point A will create more powerful storms that merge together creating more destructive storms down the line. The most dangerous facts about this is that H.A.A.R.P. has already been charged in altering the weather which is just outrageous to even think of. H.A.A.R.P. stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The purpose behind this program â€Å"is to study the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes† (2). This program is committed to developing a world-class ionospheric research lab, which includes: the ionospheric research instrument, and a sophisticated suite of scientific instruments. The ionspheric research instrument is a high power transmitter lab that functions in the high frequency range. The sophisticated instruments will be very helpful in a wide range of on going research efforts, which don’t include the IRI, however are strictly passive. The observation of this event of what the IRI creates in a controlled environment will let scientists gain a better understanding of what happens under the natural stimulation of the sun. This intense program is controlled and run by the United States Air Force in Gakona, Alaska. The individuals most interesting in harnessing this power, who are investing toward research in charge of this are the Air Force, Navy, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. This government are in charge of this and had personnel chosen to fit the needs of what the government was most interested which is normal because the U.S. government is notorious with covering up very outrageous situations created by the government. The reason the Department of Defense is included in this is because they ensure arctic research to ensure the further creation of knowledge, meaning and potential to catch up with the national defense needs in the arctic. â€Å"Interest in ionosphere research at HAARP grows from both of the large number of communication, surveillance and navigation systems that have radio paths which pass through the ionosphere, and from the unexplored potential of technological innovations which suggest applications such as detecting underground objects, communicating to great depths in the sea or earth, and generating infrared and optical emissions†(3). Expanding our knowledge about the interactions of signals passing through or reflecting from the ionosphere can help to solve future problems in the development of DoD systems, and could as well enhance the utilization of commercial systems which rely on the expedient transfer of real-time communications however on the downside will have detr imental aftereffects in the future also so it is a win-lose situation making it not worth it in my eyes. In the process of H.A.A.R.P. research I don’t think the higher ups care at all or maybe even know how bad this is to do to one of earths most important layer of the earth because it weakens the electrically-charged sphere which covers earths upper atmosphere. â€Å"It filters out X-rays, Cosmic rays and various particle streams that would be quite damaging to life on earth†(1). In fact the altering of the ionosphere would be significantly worse for earth than anything that would result from ozone depletion and is being done everyday. â€Å"They found that the signal sent up was amplified by a thousand times when it arrived there. HAARP, when it is fully completed, will have one billion watts of effective radiative power†(1). This is completely incredible to know the amount of artificial energy that has been built up in the atmosphere that can transform into stronger storms and will be able to destroy the earth. Scientists should start looking into this so that when we have grandkids the earth is not crumbling away and will be able to be enjoyed to future generations.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Power of Culture to Create Better Future Essay

It is rightly emphasized that â€Å"The future depends on what you do today. † And whatever we do today represents our culture. Actually Culture is a word for people’s ‘way of life’, meaning the way they do things. Different groups of people may have different cultures. Culture is seen in people’s writing, religion, music, clothes, cooking, and in what ever they do which makes their country different and unique from others. Culture simply means to control the over nature. It includes the outlook, attitude, values, goals and practices shared by society. As different people have different cultures, they have different ways of thinking about and understanding the world and their own lives. As for my country, I believe that my culture is a lot different from others. My culture says to meet everyone with a smile. My culture teaches me how to do good deeds. It teaches me to prevail brotherhood. How would a nation survive without brotherhood? Without peace? How would u want your future to be? Violent? No right? So that’s how our culture helps to create a better future. We all would definitely want a peaceful future and if we follow our culture, we would definitely have it like we want. Our culture also includes the way we dress. Our dressing plays one of the most important parts in our culture. It shows our belonging to our country. As in my country women are supposed to cover themselves or they are said to be half responsible for violence. If we don’t follow this tradition then definitely our future can’t be good. If we follow these traditions now, our children who are the actual future will learn this and this would lead them towards betterment and as it is said, â€Å"A person without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots† Culture also means the integrated pattern of human knowledge and belief. And whatever people believe today comes from education. As Malcolm X said, â€Å"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. † Education is the main way for a better future. If we won’t be educated now, what will happen in the future? My country’s culture teaches me to get education, no matter how long you have to travel. And if we follow the culture today, we would get what we want in the future. Education is the key to success. It can help us in the development of our nation. People now days usually forbid women education but The founder of Pakistan, Quid-e- Azam M. A. Jinnah said, â€Å"NO nation can achieve anything, until it is women who go side by side with men even to the battle field. † Women and men are equal. This difference has been finished now days. There are working and successful women who influence our daughters to do something better for the future. That is the power of our culture. It influences the today’s world which inspires the new generation. Education also enables us to create new technology which makes our lives easier. Today, the world is much more problem free than the olden times. The reason is because technology is invented. More technology may help our lives get easier and lead us towards a better future. Cultures influence our lives. They teach us the rules to live in a country. Our culture also says to follow rules. We follow rules and this can be counted as a step towards betterment. Not following rules may lead to accidents and accidents are the first step towards violence and terrorism. Following rules, whether in our country, home, school or anywhere, can be counted as a help towards a better future. In the end I would just like to say that now a day’s people are forgetting about our culture. Following our culture might help us create a better future. Every little step counts. Now it’s up to us if we want to start the journey because as Bob Marley said â€Å"Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny. †

Friday, September 13, 2019

Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Critical Analysis - Essay Example (Storer v. Manchester City Council1).However it must be stressed that not all communications are offers. An invitation to treat is an invitation by one person to the other to commence negotiations. An advertisement is generally treated as an invitation to treat. (Partridge v. Crittenden2). However the courts in Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.3 found that an advertisement constituted to be an offer. The main reason was that an amount of reward which had been specified was guaranteed, this was seen by the fact that 1000 pounds had been deposited in the bank. However a revocation of a unilateral offer has caused problems. It has been suggested by Treitel that revocation of an offer may occur by the same means of communication of offer. The problem that the courts have faced at times is that of ascertaining when acceptance of a unilateral offer has taken place. The uncertainty that has been caused due to such problems of offer, acceptance and revocation must be resolved by adopting a legislative act and to form an integrated approach to remove any uncertainty. Thus the case law can be taken into account and an Act can be put into effect. The uncertainties will be resolved in the sense that clear points would be present as to when a unilateral offer has come into affect, when acceptance of such offer has taken place and finally of revocation. However if an act is established it would provide a bit more certainty at the cost of flexibility. Thus the flexibility which has prevailed in contract law might be said to be given away. However it can be said that certainty is a vital factor which would be more beneficial than flexibility. In the case of David it can be said that the acceptance would only take place after he had found the coins. Thus the revocation would have taken place if Perry had revoked the offer through the same newspaper. Presuming that David had not been informed of the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

TLC and WLC Estimation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

TLC and WLC Estimation - Research Paper Example The paper discusses the reason as to why LLC method is not included as an estimation method in the evaluation process. The paper will conclude with a summary of all the major points discussed in the paper. Total Life Cost Total Life Cycle Cost pays attention to all the costs that are incurred during the whole entire life of either a product or a service. This will include all the expenses of the product since the inception of the idea, research, and development of the product, distribution and marketing expenses f the particular product. In this case, Butler has to consider all the expenses and costs which will be incurred as a result of outsourcing the products due to the increase in demand. He needs to have done all the calculations and determine whether he option of outsourcing will be the better option and hence worth investing in (Stuart2007) . The head of the supply chain management in the company should calculate all the costs involved in the manufacturing of a single unit f t he product and present the results together with the proposal to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Whole Life Cost Whole life cost is one method of estimation that evaluates or compares building materials and building components by focusing at the lifespan f the firm, maintenance and running costs and the installation costs of the firm. The supply chain manager of Blue Jay has to take consideration of whole life Cost before submitting his proposal to the Senior Leadership Team (Abdelhalim 2007). Life Cycle Costing (LCC) In this type of estimation method, there is consideration of acquisition, operating and the disposal costs in all instances where there is evaluation of various alternatives. The supply chain manager of the company (Butler) should not consider LCC method since they have already established the firm and there is no need of establishing another firm. The LCC would only add to the costs of outsourcing and yet they not at all necessary ( Dhillon 1989). There no costs in the operating of the new firm since the operating costs under Life Cycle Costing are incurred during the actual establishment of the firm. Butler should understand that he is not to establish another firm but seek outsourcing services from another firm. The other reason as to why the LCC method of estimation is not included in the calculation is because the costs are included in Total Life costs and there is no need of repeating since they will only add on the costs of outsourcing. Calculations There is a major difference between total life cost and whole life cost whereby the Whole life cost includes all the contents of total life cost and the entire infrastructure which would support the firm, which would include the management of the firm, training and support. The two types of estimation methods are best completed and assessed by cross functional teams from both within and outside the company under consideration so that all aspects of the firm, industry or the business can be ta ken into consideration. Therefore it is necessary for the supply chain manager of the Blue Jay Manufacturing Company to constitute a committee or a team comprising members from both the company and the outsourcing firm so that they can form a cross functional team. The cross functional team would ensure that all the calculations are correct and all the costs are put into consideration so that the best decision can be made. Total Life Cost Cost Amount in $ Acquisition Costs Cost of Due

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Writer's choice Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Writer's choice - Research Paper Example ystem’s security requirements and gives a description of the controls that are in place or are planned to meet the security requirements (Nancy & Gregory, 2011). While securing systems, users can be one of the weakest links, and they, therefore, need to be trained adequately for them to understand system security risks. The NIST requires a cybersecurity profile to outline clearly the alignment of the functions, categories and subcategories of the business requirements, risk tolerance and resources within the organization. The cyber security profile identifies opportunities for improvement of the cyber security and moving the system from its current to a better state in terms of security. This paper will look at some security measures considered incorporated in a system security plan. These are safeguards incorporated in a computer, systems software, operation, and related devices for protection of critical IT resources against vulnerabilities both internally and externally. Implementation of effective logical access controls, an organization significantly reduces the risks to the system environment. Some logical access controls that have been incorporated into the system include assignment of access privileges, object re-use, session controls, re-certification of users, encryption, networking, dial-in, as well as use of warning banners. The core of an access-control system aims at securing evaluation of whether an established identity can access a particular computing resource, which is also called an object. A resource may be a service of some sort, an information receptacle such as a file or a Web resource like a uniform resource identifier (URI). The access control is decided over an existent security context and a controlled resource (Benantar, 2006). Intrusion detection systems are widely used in the enhancement of the security of information systems. The intrusion detection system detects and tracks the slightest signs of malicious activity and also keep

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Americas Best Colleges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Americas Best Colleges - Essay Example Aside from knowing the importance of choosing a reputable school, as an Economics major, I know that competition has become extremely great nowadays. The Information Age further intensifies competition to the next level, making it fiercer and tougher. The invention of the Internet has opened up numerous opportunities that I believe can be maximized only by those who have prepared well and decided to take up the more courageous and more exciting path. As a foreigner, at first I thought that by just studying in any school in the United States could already give me an edge that will secure my future success in my chosen career. With that burning desire, I struggled before to enroll in an American college. Fortunately, my efforts turned out to be fruitful. I successfully became a student of Fisher College here in Boston. But as I moved on as a student in that university, I realized that there are greater opportunities for academic growth outside it. As I become more familiar with the American school system, there was still a desire in my heart to get quality education that I need to further improve my future success. I also realized that the name and the reputation of the school really matter. This pushed me to research on the Internet on America's top universities that are found in or near Boston. On surfing the US News web site, I came across the name of Boston University Knowin

The marketing communications plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The marketing communications plan - Essay Example The second stage of the plan spells out the strategies that will be used in the segmentation, targeting, and positioning processes. According to Malone (2007), the technology industry is busting with innovations in an un-choreographed time schedule, which means that failure to innovate timely product is likely a recipe for failure by the technological companies. The competition is high such that manufacturers in the industry have to continually research and create new products that are more suited to customers’ needs and expectations. Hewlett-Packard Company is a perfect example of a successful company in the global technological industry. The company specializes in the providing technologies, products, software services and solutions for consumers, small and medium term enterprises, and large enterprises. The major products lines that the company deals in include a wide range of printers and their associated by-products, personal computers, networking products, industry and enterprise servers, storage devices, and software products. In the past year, the company was ranked as the world’s largest PC vendor in terms of units that were sold; this is according to Fetterman (2012). ULTIME HP TV is a digital media receiver that has network appliances, which are designed to play digital content from varying sources such as Movie-TV programs, video calling , social networking apps. Twitter, Skype, face book, Video , YouTube , bbc I player movie streaming , 3D , free view , Hd , Memory Hard- 7506b, Multimedia , audio playback. Input devices Wireless WIFI , Bluetooth 40Hs , Ports 3 HDMI 2Usb , SCART Input, HP Wireless audio system , Â   From a wider perspective, it can be stated that the marketing communication plan is mainly intended to competitively position Hewlett-Packard Company within the in-home entertainment systems sector. The plan aims to ensure that the new ULTiME HP TV generates high sales revenues and is a favorite among the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Ackermann's Function Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ackermann's Function - Research Paper Example After Ackermann made a publication of his particular function (having only three non-integer functions) a lot of efforts have been done by other authors in the process of modifying the function to apply to various situations, so that at present, this particular function can apply effectively to the numerous variants that comprise the very original function. One of the common versions of the Ackermann’s function is the Ackermann-Peter function, which is a two-argument, is often defined using the non-negative integers m and n as shown (Hazewinkel 2001). From the function below, one can easily deduce that the values are growing and expanding rapidly, even for the tiny inputs (Monin 2003). For instance, take A (4,2), and one can easily see that it is an integer comprising of about 19, 729 decimal digits. Inasmuch as this function has been used widely with success, it has been termed as quite ineffective especially when it comes to computing complex numbers, making the process very slow. The complexity associated with this function often grows quite fast, especially when it comes to its memory and run-time. For this reason, it is often the best and widely used in the process of teaching learners some of the complex types of various recursions. Additionally, it is also used as a test case especially when it comes to compiler development used in optimizing recursions. The numbers used in the illustration for the issue of A (4, n) seem to be quite large, such that one can describe the Ackermann’s function as being extremely slow especially when it comes to computing very large numbers (Sundblad 2003). Inasmuch as the numbers tend to grow very quickly, this function is often concerned with making recursions and subtractions. Following this realization, one can therefore devise some other shortcuts that can bring about another function deemed efficient and effective as shown. The sequence of numbers

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The use standardized testing in the areas of cognitive ability, Essay

The use standardized testing in the areas of cognitive ability, aptitude, measure of standards-based achievement - Essay Example ed to improve students test scores have little or no effect on their cognitive abilities and aptitude to reason and logically solve abstract issues or problems. However, standardized testing permits students from different schools to compete fairly. In absence of standardized testing in schools, this comparison would not be probable (Carr, 2002). When students are allowed to take similar or common tests, it implies that students in one district or State can be compared with students in another district or State. Being in a position to compare information is valuable and is the main reason why the common core State standards have been implemented. In turn, this would permit for a more detailed and accurate comparison of students in different States. Secondly, standardized testing is more objective and reliable measure of the achievement of students. In absence of standardized testing, policy makers would have to base on tests done by students in individual schools that have certain interests in generating favorable results. Thirdly, standardized testing are very significant in that standardized tests are non-discriminatory and inclusive since they ensure that content learned is similar to all students. Using other tests or excusing disable children would not be fair to those students as this would create an unequal system without accountability (Smith, 2008). Lastly, standardized testing holds schools and teachers accountable in the sense that schools and teachers are responsible teaching pupils what they need to know and understand for standardized tests. This is due to the fact that scores are made public and schools and teachers who fail to perform can come under tight scrutiny. This scrutiny can make a teacher lose his or h er job and in some instances, it can lead to the closure of the school or being taken by the State (Carr, 2002). On the other hand, standardized testing has negative impact on students in that it evaluates the performance of a student on a

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Business Law - Evaluation of Labor and Employment Law for a Company Essay

Business Law - Evaluation of Labor and Employment Law for a Company - Essay Example This proposal was put in use on 5th February, 1993 by President Bill Clinton in his first term of service and after six months, it was implemented. The Act requires employers to have an equal weight in family issues, work, obligations and protection to its workers (United States Department of Labor 5th February 1993). An estimation of 94.4 of 141.7 million workers in United States worked at Family and medical leave act work places with only 76.1 million employees allowed for the leave in year 2007. In year 2008, the proportion of small employers and large employers offering Family and Medical Act coverage was 79% and 82% respectively. Therefore, there was no statistical difference between the employers. For an employee to qualify for the Family and Medical Leave Act mandate, he or she must have worked for that the employer for more than twelve months and a minimum of 1250 hours within the period. The worker should also have worked for a business with not less than 50 employees and within the worksite, a radius of 75 miles. He or she could also be considered if he worked public agency. The family and medical leave act mandate unpaid leave to employees to care for a new child, whether born or adopted or even placement of a child in foster care. In our case, company x has more than 75 employees and Family and Medical Leave Act requires a minimum of 50 employees. The first situation, the employees are given 11 months leaved by the employer and after the period he asks for his return. This is what is mandated by the Family and Medical Leave Act. The Manager is decidedly right to return him to the previous job at the previous rate of pay because the worker has been an employee in the company for two years. He is also right to deny him the 11 months salary as per the Act. Older workers have problems in retaining their job due to rising productivity and affluence when

Friday, September 6, 2019

ICT - Webpage Implementation Essay Example for Free

ICT Webpage Implementation Essay After I pass the design to the manager, he gives me some information about his thoughts. He then wants me to start to create a website for their new game, so I use the software Dream weaver to start these jobs. By using the design part, Ive create a page Home. First I set up the front of the page; it contains some news and an Elf picture, also a flash at the bottom right hand corner. At the right hand side, it got different hyperlinks; First page would reopen the Home again; the Information will go to the second sheet as the person click on it. Theres an extra hyperlink added called Feed Back, this is use for the reader who want to give some opinion about the game and anything else. The second work in Home was the Flash, it has a short movie about the game, and it will play automatically as you enter this page. The flashes were creating as: Then I create a second webpage, Information, it include some information about the game, also some background of the shop. This page have the same set up for all the hyperlinks using the Home design, they will go to the direct page as we click on it. The date of the website will be update every time you look at it. The information of the game we use font times new roman so mostly people can be able to read it. Some more information could be fell in as the game were updated, the empty box under the information were a space for that. The next page I make was called download. In this download page, it got lots of different pictures to download, just have to click on the Show Larger Picture button; it will automatically bring you to a larger size of picture. This is another way of hyperlink, which can put lots of picture but save more spaces. Also, the hyperlink of the sheet was working as properly, they would take you to the place you wanted to be. If you click on Home, it will take you back to the homepage of this website. The next slide I create up was Contact. It got some short information for the company, such as phone number, mobile number, and email address. We may use the information to contact the shop and get more details about any problems we got in the game or so. As you click on the email address it will automatic goes to your email and uses this e-mail address to send a mail out. Also, by using the address given we may go to the shop and then we can be sure of more details of the game. The last page of the website use is the feed back. In this pace the person who visits the site can ask any questions, as they fill in the form. As they can see, the underline part is the area for filling in the information. After all the information and the feed back were fill back in, theres an send button at the bottom right hand corner, which can send the opinions to the staff. After I finish the implementation, I immediately show it to the manager. He looks please to have this normal website. He asked me to check that everything is going to be working properly.