Monday, September 30, 2019

Dutch and English Essay

The economic and political success of the Dutch and the English between 1570-1766 How the Dutch and English became successful was not only in trading but being merchants and bankers as well. When the other countries were busy fighting each other the Dutch were specializing in trading with them. Out of 20,000 trading vessels 16,000 of them were Dutch ships.† In the early 1400’s two thirds were based in Amsterdam.†The English and Dutch went to war over trading not only once but three times. The first was fought in 1652-54 the second in 1665-67 the third and final was in 1672-74 with the Dutch being the victor at Solo Bay in 1672. The most important thing to the Dutch was there trading, they even came up with something called the Maritime Insurance: with this people didn’t lose out on the profit. When the ships left port and out to sea nobody knew what would happen or if they were going to make it back, till the ship sailed into the harbor once aging. The Dutch even design a ship that was able to carry more goods and less people, it was a la rge bulk- carrying vessel called a flute or fly boat. The Dutch had trading stations and supply depots in many ports to name a few were: Norway, Ceylon, Java, Sumatra, Formosa,† which they took control of by 1641.† They were also the first to dominate the Baltic trade route between Spain, France, and England. The Dutch were able to pay a higher price for your goods and also give you credit, in doing this even if the crops were not ready yet the farmers still made sure they had something to sell to the Dutch. This meant a lower profit margin but the Dutch were able to profit since they had so much trade. There was even a market for Dutch paintings they were the first one to paint every day citizens doing every day things: form standing at the market, celebrations, or just having a good time. The  colors and demotions of the paintings is what made they more life like. Painting also showed how clean the homes and alleys were, of the farms the Dutch weren’t afraid to show everyone what they were like, took pride in showing people how they lived. Map making was another thing the Dutch did well they were able to lay it flat instead of in a cylinder shape. This way they were able to write on it redesign the different countries it was easier to measure how far you came or still needed to go. Education was available to anyone who wanted to learn woman and children, and not just to the rich but to everyone who wanted to learn. Pictures show that the schools were like an out of control daycare. Women were able to help run a business draw up contracts, women were just about equal to the men expect they couldn’t be on things like town counsels or like. Girard P.2 Women were still expected to get married and become a mother that was very important more then running a business. What was interesting was woman were able to go out by themselves and feel safe they didn’t need to worry about being abused, the other towns people looked after each other children they cared what happed to each other. The Dutch people seemed to always be talking about anything and anyone it didn’t matter where they were. In doing this people from other countries were surprised in this. The Dutch had an option on things form there own country two any other that might cross there mind. While other countries were fighting a religious war the Dutch were more laid back each religion had it place. At the some time there were many people moving to the Dutch Netherlands because they were able to study things like being a mathematician, even studying astrology. The Dutch showed the world what middle class family was and they didn’t need to starve or be poor; the farmers were able to sell their livestock or crops at the markets, they made a good living they didn’t dress in rags or dirty. In fact the Dutch were very clean, their homes were neat, even the back allies were keep clean and in order. The Dutch were very curious they wanted to know how the human body looked on the inside they even painted they doing an autopsy of the era. They were all about advance technology they used the ocean to power water wheels they dug canals to the wheels this powered the machinery, even  the wind was used for the windmills. The Dutch currency stayed the same, to help with the trading the first stock market was started in the Amsterdam town square. Not long after that the bank of Amsterdam was founded in 1694. Merchants were able to give credit and finance people. â€Å"Around 1700 the Dutch Netherland was ruled by the merchants mostly in Amsterdam it was the riches in province.† So while the rest of the world was taking from everyone and fighting over what religion was the right one the Dutch were trying to improve themselves trading was were the money was even if they had to spend money to make it they came away richer for it. They use the elements around them the ocean and the wind. There country men were there equals the country worked together. Things like money and finance was agreed on. The Dutch were traders, farmers, fishermen, merchants, bankers, even slave traders they did what they could to succeed in life while everyone else were fighting. Agriculture was a imporant econimc factor in England by the sixteenth century they had improved in better breading in their livestock, better dranges in the lower farmlands. People even came to England to learn how to farm. England imported other crops form different areas like rice from Asia.Trading was economicly favorable not as successful as the Dutch. Some of the English shipments were things like: â€Å"timber, flax, pitchwere the first of the Baltic trade†. England and the Dutch first went to was in 1652-54 the English were the victor. Some of England’s wealth came from the skilled craftsmen. They were invented and came up with new techniques.† Two centuries of gunnery had brought mining and metallurgy to a high pitch.† Girard P.3 In the year 1558 England got a new Queen named Elizabeth, she was the daughter of Henry the Eighth and Ann Boleyn. Before she became Queen her half sister imprisoned her in 1554 then final put her in exile in May 23 1554. When Elizabeth came to the throne due to fate she didn’t have the very men killed that tried to have her killed. Instead she bade them to place her in their hearts and have trust in her in other words. She talked to them as they were her equals, not just her royal subjects. On her coronation she asked nothing more of her subjects then to think of the good of England she stated that the common wealth of England comes first. Instead of fighting  amongst themselves she wanted them to stand together to fight their enemies. Spain and the Dutch were England’s greatest enemies. With the defeated of the Spanish in the Gulf of Mexico by John Hawkins in 1577 he was appointed treasurer of the navy. The English came up with a prototype of a ship in 1569 that was faster and easier to maneuver and had a better chance of hitting their target even in the turbulent whether. By 1588 the English had eighteen of them built. In 1776 saw another sea battle with Spain, during the next few years England would war with Spain three more times. Religion was a major political in England it seems from the start of the world: you had the crusades that were fought in the Holy Lands not only once but at lease three times. Everyone was trying to convert anyone they can to the true church. You had the Roman Catholic like John Knox an ordained priest. John Calvin who after braking from the Roman Catholic Church and becoming a Protestant around 1530, Calvinism and Lutheranism was the out come of that religion. Lutheranism was after a man named Martin Luther who was an Augustinian Monk. Because of him and his belief and thinking that we all didn’t need to follow one religion we today have many different faiths and we are able to choose what we are and what believe freely. Between the years of 1562-1598 there were at lease nine religion wars fought. Even under Elizabeth Catholics died because they were judged to be traders. In 1694 the bank of England was founded, the merchants were able to give credit and finance, there was a rise in the use of paper for currencies and instead of using bullions the cheque was invented. â€Å"Joint stock companies generated another form of negotiable security, their own share.† In the seventeenth century the coffee house were being taken over by the start of the London Stock exchange. Financer started to offer the public life insurance for the first time. The English became merchants and bankers when it was apparent that more money was to be made if they were more involved in the trading. The Economic gain of both the English and the Dutch were closely related, the trading and the banking. They soon realized that they would have to spend money to make it so that is how the Dutch came up with the stock market were everyone was able to have a share in. both countries were into slave trading, the Dutch started their West Indies company solely for the trading of slaves. This was an important economic for both countries. . Girard P.4 Another of England’s success was in the colonizing of the many countries and the discovery of even more. New York was a Dutch colony before England took it over. The other reason the English were successful because they didn’t wait for things to come to them they went out and took it. Whether it was the trading, farming, banking: both England and the Dutch kept trying to improve what they had in life. They still went out to make something of themselves discovering new countries and learning from there mistakes. One of the biggest successes the Dutch had been their trading routes. They didn’t just stop at a few they went on establishing many new shipping ports. Then they even designed ships that were able to carry larger bulk items, with less man power. They were able to give better bargains that made people wasn’t to trade with them. Back then it was important that you didn’t loose your product or that was the end of your money till the next season. The Dutch were so successful with their trading they had control over the Baltic trade routes, Spain, France, and England were just a few ports they traded with. The Dutch even had the environment working for them: they had advanced their technology where the ocean powered their water wheels, which powered the machinery. If the water wheels were inland they dug canals to where they needed the water. The wind was even utilized with the windmills that were spreading up across the country side. How they worked to maintain the shipping trade was everyone who could afford it bought stock in the company and that is how the first stock market was invented. The English on the other hand was a close second in the trading, one of the biggest commodes was the slave trade. The import trade was just an important this brought to England how to improve better breading with the livestock, the different crops like rice. then you had other shipments such as cotton and rubber just to name a few. Not only were the English traders but they became merchants industries were gaining a foot hold like the brewing establishments and the wool merchants. Mechanical and engineering skill clocks were done with mechanical interments. Brewing and textile establishments were also a growing business along side of the cloth and wool merchants that were spreading across the country side When Elizabeth became Queen she tried to improve the political stand point with England instead of fighting each  other she stated that the common wealth of England should come first. She talked to the people as if the were her equals and just her royal subjects. The economical success of both English and the Dutch was learning how to advance their trading what things worked and what didn’t. They applied and design different techniques the farm land and the crops were improving with every century and generation. Religion was always an issue in the political area you had your Roman catholic, or your Protestants. Then when Luther was making an issue of which god and belief was the true one two more faiths came into play and that was the Lutherans and Calvinists because of a man name John Calvin. The bible didn’t come into print till 1455 and that was the Gutenberg Bible. After that t5he people were able to read the words of God for themselves.

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