Sunday, September 8, 2019

The use standardized testing in the areas of cognitive ability, Essay

The use standardized testing in the areas of cognitive ability, aptitude, measure of standards-based achievement - Essay Example ed to improve students test scores have little or no effect on their cognitive abilities and aptitude to reason and logically solve abstract issues or problems. However, standardized testing permits students from different schools to compete fairly. In absence of standardized testing in schools, this comparison would not be probable (Carr, 2002). When students are allowed to take similar or common tests, it implies that students in one district or State can be compared with students in another district or State. Being in a position to compare information is valuable and is the main reason why the common core State standards have been implemented. In turn, this would permit for a more detailed and accurate comparison of students in different States. Secondly, standardized testing is more objective and reliable measure of the achievement of students. In absence of standardized testing, policy makers would have to base on tests done by students in individual schools that have certain interests in generating favorable results. Thirdly, standardized testing are very significant in that standardized tests are non-discriminatory and inclusive since they ensure that content learned is similar to all students. Using other tests or excusing disable children would not be fair to those students as this would create an unequal system without accountability (Smith, 2008). Lastly, standardized testing holds schools and teachers accountable in the sense that schools and teachers are responsible teaching pupils what they need to know and understand for standardized tests. This is due to the fact that scores are made public and schools and teachers who fail to perform can come under tight scrutiny. This scrutiny can make a teacher lose his or h er job and in some instances, it can lead to the closure of the school or being taken by the State (Carr, 2002). On the other hand, standardized testing has negative impact on students in that it evaluates the performance of a student on a

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