Friday, November 1, 2019

Postcolonial literature challenges the viability of the notion of a Essay

Postcolonial literature challenges the viability of the notion of a fixed identity. Consider how the colonial practice of othering is deconstructed in later novels - Essay Example Colonization has the strong impact on the history of the world that gave rise to the several revolutions, rebellions and different social changes in the society. Post-colonial literature has played a key role, in order to get through of the colonial system of the society. Post-colonial literature gives the sense of distinctive social identity and the otherness due the social culture and norms that are the main source of identification in the world since the early days of its creation. Identity is the element that gives the person realization of his importance in the society whereas Otherness is the distinctive factor that differentiates the person and his abilities in respect to others. Post-colonial literature came into existence as an opposition to the colonial system that ruled the society. It awakened the society to fight for their identity by giving them a sense of otherness in cultural and social aspects1. There are three books that have been discussed below in an account to this, these books belong to the colonial period, and they are also the perfect example of post-colonial literature. The book jasmine has depicted the struggle of the typical Punjabi girl of India and her journey of life in order to attain her distinctive identity in the society and American dream in term of social acceptance and self-contentment. Another book that has been discussed is the ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’, in which Antoinette’s has struggled for the attainment of her identity that has been having been perfectly illustrated in the book... The book gives a sense of otherness by being in a society where the number of other communities was dwelling and struggling to achieve their social identity. The third book that has been discussed in these papers is Black Mischief by Evelyn Waugh. In which the main character Seth can be observe having difficulty in

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