Friday, November 8, 2019

Solar Power essays

Solar Power essays It is the year 2032. The world we live in is not that much different from the one that we occupied no more than thirty years ago. We still have schools, we still have crime and we still share love as much as we do hate. Things are better off for the most part. One prominent difference is the disappearance of fossil fuels. They are so rare that the government has stockpiled all that is left and has gone in favor of a new source of energy. The source is solar power. After a little refinement and condensation of the materials involved, solar power is now our most prominent form of energy. But how did it happen? How did solar power prove to be the wave of the future? We live in a day and age where resources are slowly becoming fewer and more far between. With the combination of gas being burned up in our vehicles at an alarming rate and the United States relations with the Middle East not being as superb as they used to be we are being faced with a growing concern. What can we do about our energy shortage? The short term answer is the reserves that are loaded into Alaska. That's all fine and good for the time being but what about even a hundred years in the future? Can we depend on Alaska's supplies to be there? The smart answer is 'no'. So new sources of energy will be required. Nuclear fusion and fission are not viable answers yet and hydro power may not have what it takes. The changes of a water powered car are not that good. Solar power seems to be the answer. Solar powered cars are already being developed and a few million of so dollar in research money tossed in its development could be all that is needed to make it a reality. The development of photovoltaic conversion is what will make solar energy a viable source of power.1 Photovoltaic conversion is utilized in solar cells that can be easily installed in developmental cars. They harness energy directly from the sun and power the vehicle. There a ...

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